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Quick Search







Photograph Project

"The Tundra Times, more than anything else, I think, has awakened the fervor to do something and help to bring out the potential in leadership among our people." 
Howard Rock, Editor

View the Photographs

To quickly access the photographs enter a search term into the Quick Search Boxquicksearch field on the menu to the left:


Or click on the Photographs button: and choose a portfolio of pre-selected photographs from the list on the right side of the screen.

EmbARK Web Kiosk Help

EmbARK Web Kiosk is designed to let you find information in several different ways. Each feature of the Web Kiosk can be accessed through the menu bar on the left side of the screen.

Home - Photographs - Search - Multiple Record Display - Single Record Display


The Home button on the left menu bar will return you to the introductory page of the Tundra Times Photograph Project Website.


Portfolio List The "Photographs" section provides access to records that have been organized into groups called Portfolios. A portfolio may be directly opened by selecting it from the alphabetical listing in the See Also column on the right side of the screen.

Alternatively, portfolios may be accessed by clicking through the categories presented on the screen. The categories allow information to be organized hierarchically and provide a means for guiding the user more directly to desired information. Selecting a category will lead to one of three types of information.

  1. A sub-category
  2. A group of records organized into a portfolio
  3. A block of descriptive text about a topic

While navigating within the hierarchical categories, the user may return to the previous category by clicking the "Up a Level" text.


Searching allows you to access records in the database on your own instead of through predetermined portfolios. Web Kiosk offers five different search options.

1. Quick Search

Quick Search Box The Quick Search box is displayed at the top of the left menu bar. Simply enter one or more words in the box, then click the Go button. If a match is found, the results will be displayed as a list of thumbnails with short captions; if no results are found, a message is displayed to "Try again."
TIP: Enter the beginning of a search word to retrieve more results, e.g. "Lib" instead of "Library".

2. Advanced Search

This search enables you to search on up to six fields of information directly related to the records.

Advanced Search

The first popup on the page contains a list of searchable fields. After selecting the field you want to search in the first drop-down, a set of search values will be displayed in a second drop-down list. Select the search value from this popup.

If a field contains too many values to include in the picklist, the list will be broken down by starting letters/numbers such as "A", "B", etc. When you select a letter, a new window will open with the values that begin with that letter. Select a value to close that window and complete your search criteria.

Click Add Line to add a second line to the search. Boolean operators "and", "or", and "except" may be used. All objects that meet your search criteria will be included in your search results. See also:
Advanced Search Options.

3. Date Search

The Date Search lets you search for objects by their creation date. Type a date in the box provided. Values such as "early 19th century" or "1850-1869" will be interpreted as their respective date ranges. From the popup list, select how you want your date criteria to be interpreted:

  • is circa: the object creation date falls within 5 years to either side of the date you enter (dependent on system settings)
  • is equal to: the object creation date falls exactly within the date range you enter
  • is earlier than: the object creation date falls within a range before the date you enter
  • is later than: the object creation date falls within a range after the date you enter

Click Add Line to add a second line to the search. All objects that meet either one of your search criteria will be included in your search results.

4. Keyword Search

Keyword searching is a powerful way to find object records. Keyword searching allows you to search using the same controlled vocabulary of terms that were used to catalog the records in the database.

Depending on how many keywords are in the system, you may be able to click the FIND KEYWORDS button to display the entire list of available keywords. Alternatively, a smaller set of keywords can be accessed by typing just a few letters like "C" or "Ch" into the ENTER KEYWORD box, then click FIND KEYWORDS to find all the words that begin with those letters.

The list of keywords on the left will contain a list of words that you can choose to search with. The list on the right will contain the words that you choose to include in your search. To add a desired keyword to the search, click on it in the left column, then click the ADD >> button to move it to the right column. To remove a keyword, highlight the keyword in the right column and click the << REMOVE button.

You may search with up to 6 keywords at a time. If you select more than one word, you must decide whether you want objects that are linked to ALL the words you selected or to ANY of the words you selected. Note that if you choose ALL, your search will be more and more limited as you add more words. If your search does not find any records, try a less specific search with fewer terms.

Click the FIND button to view the search results.

5. Subject/Photographer Search

This search enables you to search on up to six fields of information directly related biographical information about the photographers, or subjects of photographs in the database.

The first popup on the page contains a list of searchable fields. After selecting the field you want to search in the first drop-down, a set of search values will be displayed in a second drop-down list. Select the search value from this popup.

If a field contains too many values to include in the picklist, the list will be broken down by starting letters/numbers such as "A", "B", etc. When you select a letter, a new window will open with the values that begin with that letter. Select a value to close that window and complete your search criteria. See also: Advanced Search Options.

When the search query is complete, click the FIND button to view the search results.

Advanced Selection Options

The Advanced Search may be used to refine any selection of object records made active through a previous search or portfolio.

Search Tips

1. Every value that is listed is linked to at least one record; if your search contains only a single line, you are guaranteed to find at least one record.

2. For more complex searches, you can add up to a total of 4 lines. Each line can be joined to the other with an AND, OR or EXCEPT, and each line will be executed in the order in which you list it.

3. If you use multiple lines in your search, be aware that an AND or EXCEPT search will limit your search results; you will get fewer records than if you did a single line search. On the other hand, an OR search will likely increase the number of records that you find.

Multiple Record Display

Image & Label Display

The multiple record view is used to display the contents of a Portfolio, the results of a
Search, or the objects linked to an Artist.

The default display view is image & label. This view will display the first four records of the portfolio.

To see more records on screen at once, choose the option thumbnails view. This layout will display more thumbnail images and typically has an abbreviated text display.

To view the most records at once, choose text list. The Text Only view will display up to 25 records at once. Each of the underlined column headers may be clicked to sort the selection of records by that criteria (e.g., by Artist name, Date, or Medium). If text in the list of records is underlined (or in a different color), it can be clicked to link directly to more information on that item or to a biographical record of its maker.

For any of the three display views above, you may:

  • Click the NEXT or PREVIOUS buttons to scroll through additional records in the selection.
  • Select from the drop-down list at the top of the screen to jump to a specific position in the record set.

If multiple records were accessed through a portfolio, the portfolio name and the number of records it includes are displayed at the top of the screen. Additionally, you may see a graphic. Clicking this button will display a page of descriptive text associated with the portfolio. Click the back button on your web browser to return to the multiple record display.

Single Record Display


The Description page displays the most complete information about the object.

Full Image Page

Any on-screen thumbnail image may be clicked to view a