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Tundra Times Photograph Project

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Accession Number: TT.00043
Date of Photo: 1964
Caption: [Gathering for a feast in Barrow.  Lady bending over in the middle is identified as Iva Noam Bolt (Lisbourne). ]

Description: A group of people prepare for a feast in the Marsh-Spence Hall in Barrow, AK.  In the forground a group of children sit on the floor.  Behind them, the adults are preparing and distributing the food to the crowd.  The woman standing at the table, opening a box has been identified as Jane Brower.  Phoebe Kippi is standing in the back, wearing a parka with fur sunshine ruff.

Name: Phoebe Kippi
Ethnicity: Inupiat
Role: Subject

Name: Unknown Photographer
Role: Photographer

Name: Jane Brower
Ethnicity: Inupiat
Role: Subject

Name: Iva Noam Bolt
Ethnicity: Inupiat
Role: Subject

State: Alaska
Region: Arctic Slope
Community: Barrow

Indigenous Group: Inupiat
CD Number: 004

Keywords: Events:Celebrations:Feasts

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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