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Tundra Times Photograph Project

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Accession Number: TT.00168
Date of Photo: 1970-1990
Caption: [A group portrait of Shoonaq Tribal Dancers standing, from left to right, Madelyn Brown, Virginia Abston, Margaret Roberts, Jeremy Roberts, Lydia Abbott, Irene Coyle, Connie Chya]

Description: A group portrait of Shoonaq Tribal Dancers standing holding yupik or chupik fans, wearing traditional clothing.  Left, Madelyn Brown, Virginia Abston, Margaret Roberts, Jeremy Roberts, Lydia Abbott, Irene Coyle, Connie Chya.

Name: Madelyn Brown
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Virginia Abston
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Margaret Roberts
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Jeremy Roberts
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Lydia Abbott
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Irene Coylen
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Connie Chya
Ethnicity: Alootiq / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Unknown Photographer
Role: Photographer

State: Alaska

Organizations: Shoonaq Tribal Dancers
Indigenous Group: Alutiit/Sugpiat
Publication Information: Pg. 8
CD Number: 020

Annotations: Shoonaq Tribal Dancers, Left, Madelyn Brown, Virginia Abston, Margaret Roberts, Jeremy Roberts, Lydia Abbott, Irene Coylen, Connie Chya.

A in a cirlcle
pg. 8
Keywords: Clothing & dress:Headresses:Hats
Indigenous Groups:Alutiit/Sugpiat
Portraits:Group portraits

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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