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Tundra Times Photograph Project

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Accession Number: TT.01858
Date of Photo: 1974
Caption: [Dr. E. Dean Coon, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 1974, Dr. Coon joined the faculty in  1974 where he served as assistant director of the Center for Northern Educational Research.  Hes was director of a statewide public school finance study conducted 1974-1976.]

Description: Dr. E. Dean Coon, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 1974, Dr. Coon joined the faculty in  1974 where he served as assistant director of the Center for Northern Educational Research.  Hes was director of a statewide public school finance study conducted 1974-1976.

Name: Dr. E. Dean Coon
Role: Subject

State: Alaska
Region: Doyon
Community: Fairbanks

Publication Information: pg.7
CD Number: 250

Annotations: Tundra Times
Dr. E. Dean Coon
page 7
1 col X 3 in.
Keywords: People:Men

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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