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Accession Number: TT.00125
Date of Photo: 1984/02
Caption: "Villagers gather in the Tununak High School multi-purpose room listen as Jens Flynn (left) talks about life under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.  Mike Albert served as interpreter at the hearing, held by the Alaska Native Review Commission."

Description: Picture of a room full of people gathered in the Tununak High School multi-purpose room for a hearing conducted by the Alaska Native Review Commission.  The right and left side of the foreground of the image are dominated by the back of two people’s heads, both out of focus.  The head on the left is identified as belonging to Jens Flynn.  In between and beyond the heads, a crowd of people is visible, some sitting in chairs, some lying on the floor as they listen to the hearing.

Name: Unknown Photographer
Role: Photographer

Name: Jens Flynn
Ethnicity: Yup’ik
Role: Subject

State: Alaska
Region: Calista
Community: Tununak

Organizations: Alaska Native Review Commission
Indigenous Group: Yup’ik
Publication Information: 1984/02/29
CD Number: 014

Annotations: Villagers gather in the Tununak High School multi-purpose room listen as Jens Flynn (left) talks about life under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.  Mike Albert served as interpreter at the hearing, held by the Alaska Native Review Commission.

T.T.  2/29/84
Keywords: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
Indigenous Groups:Yup’ik
Portraits:Group portraits

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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