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Accession Number: TT.00105
Date of Photo: 1976/08
Caption: "Attending the recent  90  Attending the Recent NAIWA National conference were, back row left to right: Angus Dill, Laguna, Isleta, New Mexico and immiediate past President of NAIWA: Morris Thompson, Commissioner, BIA; front row left to right: Mary Jane Fate, Athabascan, Fairbanks, National President of NAIWA; and Marie Cox, Commanche, NAIWA founding President."  

Description: Group portrait of four people.  Two women are seated in front of a man and a woman standing behind them.  They are identified as follows (taken from caption): "back row left to right: Angus Dill, Laguna, Isleta, New Mexico and immiediate past President of NAIWA: Morris Thompson, Commissioner, BIA; front row left to right: Mary Jane Fate, Athabascan, Fairbanks, National President of NAIWA; and Marie Cox, Commanche, NAIWA founding President."

Name: Lael Morgan
Role: Photographer

Name: Mary Jane Fate
Ethnicity: Athabascan
Role: Subject

Name: Agnes Dill
Role: Subject

Name: Morris Thompson
Ethnicity: Athabascan
Role: Subject

Name: Marie Cox
Role: Subject

State: Alaska

Events: North Amercan Indian Women’s Association National Congress
Organizations: North American Indian Women’s Association
Indigenous Group: Multiple
Publication Information: 1976/08/04
CD Number: 011

Annotations: By Lael Morgan  Mary Jane Fate  TT  2 colX5"  Pg 15  Attending the recent  90  Attending the Recent NAIWA National conference were, back row: Angus Dill, Laguna, Isleta, New Mexico and immiediate past President of NAIWA: Morris Thompson, Commissioner, BIA; front row left to right: Mary Jane Fate, Athabascan, Fairbanks, Naional President of NAIWA; and Marie Cox, Commanche, NAIWA founding President.  Photo by Lael Morgan
Keywords: Events:Meetings
Portraits:Group portraits

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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