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Tundra Times Photograph Project

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Accession Number: TT.00007
Date of Photo: 1983/04/20
Caption: [Portrait of two Tlingit women at the Sitka Native Arts Festival.]

Description: Close-up shot of two participants of the Sitka Native Arts Festival, dressed in traditional robes and headgear.  One is holding a decorated paddle (not clearly visible).

Name: Unknown Photographer
Role: Photographer

State: Alaska
Region: Sealaska
Community: Sitka

Events: Festival of Native Arts
Indigenous Group: Tlingit
CD Number: 001

Annotations: Sitka Native Arts Festival, T.T. 4/20/83
Keywords: Clothing & dress:Button robes
Clothing & dress:Headresses:Hats
Face paint
Festivals:Art Festivals
Indigenous Groups:Tlingit
Portraits:Group portraits

1-People: subject on R may be Gerry Williams- ID by Andy Hope

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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