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Tundra Times Photograph Project

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Accession Number: TT.00896
Date of Photo: 1974-1985
Caption: HAPPY FOLKS -- Marvin Frost, president of Afognak, Inc., relaxes with LaVelle Black, ANCSA land law examiner, left, and Judy Kammins, ANCSA Division chief, after receiving title to 72,690 acres at Port Lions from the Bureau of Land Management.  When Frost accepted the document on July 27, Afognak, Inc. became the 68th village corporation to receive land under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

Description: HAPPY FOLKS -- Marvin Frost, president of Afognak, Inc., relaxes with LaVelle Black, ANCSA land law examiner, left, and Judy Kammins, ANCSA Division chief, after receiving title to 72,690 acres at Port Lions from the Bureau of Land Management.  When Frost accepted the document on July 27, Afognak, Inc. became the 68th village corporation to receive land under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

Name: Marvin Frost
Ethnicity: Alutiit / Sugpiaq
Role: Subject

Name: Lavelle Black
Role: Subject

Name: Unknown Photographer
Role: Photographer

State: Alaska

Indigenous Group: Multiple
Publication Information: 08/15
CD Number: 119

Annotations: HAPPY FOLKS -- Marvin Frost, president of Afognak, Inc., relaxes with LaVelle Black, ANCSA land law examiner, left, and Judy Kammins, ANCSA Division chief, after recieving title to 72,690 acres at Port Lions from the Bureau of Land Management.  When Frost accepted the document on July 27, Afognak, Inc. became the 68th village corporation to recieve land under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

3-A  TT 8/15
3 3/4 by 2 5/8
Keywords: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
Native corporations
Portraits:Group portraits

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Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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