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Native Youth Olympics records 1 to 25 of 25

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Title Photographer Date of Photo
Deloras Lozano reaches for a new record of 58 inches in the one arm reach. Unknown Photographer 1991
A portrait of Chris Benson competing on the one foot high kick. Unknown Photographer 1975-19990
Chris Benson taking timeout to meditate in the one-arm reach. Unknown Photographer 1980-1993
Ralph Clairmont reaches for a record breaking 65 inches. Unknown Photographer 1980-1993
Cecellia Chanerak focusing on the target for one arm reach. Unknown Photographer 1980-1993
A portrait of Dominic Bean competing on the wrist carry competition. Unknown Photographer 1980-1993
A portrait of Travis Chronin competing on the stick pull. Chris 1989/04
A portrait of Travis Chronin competing on the stick pull. Chris 1989/04/21
A portrait of Nick Smith competing in the knee jump competition. Chris 1989/04
A portrait of Paula Seward competing on the stick pull game. Chris 1989/04/21
A portrait of Paula Seward competing on the stick pull game. Chris 1989/04/21
Ice breaker games LYSD Native Youth Olympics Alakanuk, Ak. Unknown Photographer 1980-1989
Coach Rita Krause judges girls two-toe high kick.  Winner was Adeline Beans, sta Unknown Photographer 1970-1985
William Green, Hooper Bay, delivers a speech in Yu’pik to a full house of studet Unknown Photographer 1975-1985
A portrait of Gloria Lockwood performing the Alaska high kick. Unknown Photographer 1975-1985
A portrait of Sean Snowball performing the two-foot high kick. Unknown Photographer 1975-1985
A portrait of Chris Benson performing the one-foot high kick. Unknown Photographer 1975-1985
Stan Swetzor starts off with/winning form in the scissor broad jump. Unknown Photographer 1975-1985
Leg wrestlers compete at the Native Youth Olympics in Anchorage.  Arne handland Wright, Roger 1980/03
A portrait of Chris Benson and Sean Snoeball competing in the stick pull competi Unknown Photographer 1980-1990
A portrait of the spelling bee contest at Alukanuk Alaska. Unknown Photographer 1975-1989
Ramona Jorgenson wins girls’ stick pull champianship. Unknown Photographer 1980-1990
A portrait of young people playing the ice breaker game. Unknown Photographer 1970-1985
Roy Topkok, teller NYO Team, muscled-out 27 competitors to take first place in t Morrison, Bernice 1970-1989
Al Foster of Covenant High, waves to a friend after being awarded first place in Unknown Photographer 1984/05

Tundra Times Photograph Project
Page last updated: April 16, 2002
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